Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Beginning

Last day at IIT - ~30 May 2009. My next new beginning was going to be 24th August 2009 with Morgan Stanley. It was a good start, met lot of new people. The grad batch was fun and we had a blast during the 4 month training... Eventually 4 months passed and we were ready for another new beginning.. Work, like real work which affects someone and you get money for it. I started around 3 Jan 2010.

On 9 Dec 2010, I decided to quit. The work was getting monotonous, wasn't getting challenged enough and wanted to move from Mumbai. I quit without knowing what the future holds, ready for a new beginning.

21 March 2011 - joined Google. Another new beginning, very fast paced and challenging. It was like a roller coaster ride, a lot of fun and a bit scary at times. I was enjoying the ride when the clock showed that it was time to get married. I got married on 24 April 2012, all geared up for a new beginning, work wise (I was going to work in London), personally (new family, husband etc), place wise (hoping to get adjusted in the UK).

Landed in London on 11 May 2012. It was awesome. Our house, the job, friends, so many places to visit, I used to feel like Alice in Wonderland. I really love Google, I must say. 

But quite soon, we both realized we don't want to settle here. It is good, it is comfortable, definitely beautiful but very important, it's not our own. We started feeling the need to settle down in the land where we belong.. We're such desis, right ?

Anyways so 12 Sept 2013, that is today is our last day in London and we're flying to India for well, a new beginning :)

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

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