Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Destiny ?

Earlier I never used to believe in destiny. All the things related to it like palmistry, astrology etc were just any other fun-activity for me. I never understood the statements people used to make like 'everything is written' and 'we are just puppets in His hand' or 'we are just characters of a well-written play'. But now I have started believing in destiny, and in fact quite strongly. There have been times when looking at the events, I felt that this was bound to happen, this way or the other. There was no escape. Things seem to fit like a jigsaw puzzle.
I have started believing that everything is written but not exactly liek that. I don't think that our lives are written like a story or a play. I believe that our life is drawn like a flowchart. Each decision of ours is a conditional box which asks a question and has multiple outputs. Depending on the decision we make, we step over to the next event in our life. So in a way we shape our own destiny.. but then there is a question in my mind whether our decisions are also written ?


s23j0y9 said...

Oh! so that's why they say - think out of the [conditional] box.
What if there can be more than visible options?

Besides, it also explains why psychos like the one in No country for Old Men mock life (premise: decisions are written) by taking decisions at a coin toss.

Stay positive. Stay cool. Don't be afraid to experiment, enjoy and make mistakes sometimes.

Movin said...

Yes, everything is written, but God does change the script for those who push him to change it. That is what I think.

Which is why too much efforts to read into what God has written for you are futile, because it means you will most probably accept the script.

What is rather the best thing to do is, keep going and realizing the script, without having an idea whether what happened was 'written' or 're-written'.

s23j0y9 said...

Nah, God isn't rational (ref: http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1803435)

Unknown said...

yes I agree with u Movin... we can change the script if we have courage and the right attitude to go for it!